Tickets now available for the 2016 Summer BBQ!
June 22nd, 2016
Written by: Jo Loveridge
We’re really excited that we’re celebrating our 6th year as Portsmouth Freelancers. Having started as just a small group of 3-4 people back in August 2010, we’ve now grown to a group of over 350 people who have popped in at some point throughout the years.
On Tuesday 26th July 2016 we’re throwing our annual Summer BBQ; returning to the Victoria Art’s Lodge (in Victoria Park in the city centre) where we’ll be having the following:
We’ll be holding a charity raffle for Community Fusion, with great prizes sponsored by:
More TBC.
Tickets are only £10 and include BBQ food and some free drinks. You can purchase yours now here:
Design Talks 2015
Portsmouth Freelancers
We try and keep our events as free/cheap as possible for attendees, and we can only do this with the help of sponsors. Want to become a sponsor? Simply get in touch to find out how we can work together!
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