Xmas party 2011 photos!
December 14th, 2011
Written by: Jo Loveridge
So last night was the 2nd Xmas party and it really got everyone in the Christmas mood! A massive thanks to our sponsor Campaign Monitor for providing us with bucket loads of mulled wine and a whole table of nachos and chips! So without further a do here’s a selection of photos from last nights carnage!
Say hello to PF Meet’s first canine attendee – Chichi!
PF Meet hostess @Starboard_Media (me!) with the lovely @Alexstanhope who played awesome tunes and Xmas jingles all night.
Was this a good idea?!
@NathanGaskin, Mark and @jumponadoughtnut
@lilula, Lisa and Dave
@cdrx, @alexstanhope and @Starboard_Media
@Schofeld enjoying some free mulled wine
@Lilula gets attacked by tinsel!
You can check out the rest of the mugshots on the pfmeet Flickr account, enjoy!
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