The Power of Networking

July 2nd, 2014

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I’ve been running Portsmouth Freelancers Meet for 4 years now, and I wanted to share with you some of the experiences I’ve had through both running and attending networking events and the benefits

Finding Work

The most obvious one is finding work. Personally I’ve connected with dozens of freelancers who have outsourced work with me over the past few years. I also know that some graduates from University of Portsmouth have also found work placements or full time employment by meeting people who work for or run agencies. Recently I learnt of a gentleman who attended PF Meet with the intention of finding someone to work on a project, and he found the right company for the job that very evening, as well as meeting other freelancers to outsource work to.

Not only through PF Meet, I’ve also found work through other networking groups that have developed into long term working relationships and referrals.

Recruiting the right people

Personally I’ve worked with over a dozen different freelancers that I’ve met through Portsmouth Freelancers Meet. One of them became a full time freelancer with my company, another was part time, and the others I still outsource to regularly.

The good thing about finding employees or freelancers to outsource to through a networking event is that you get to meet the person in an informal environment and get to talk to them about things other than work. It’s a great way to bond and find the person who will fit into your company or work life as having a good connection is just as important as the right skills.

Making Friends

It’s not the most obvious one, but I think it’s the most important. I don’t know about you, but when I’m looking to give work to people or sound out ideas, I turn to my friends.

I’ve met all of my best friends through PF Meet, we even share an office space together now. It’s obviously not something that is going to happen over night, but put the effort into attending a networking event regularly, connect with people via Twitter and other social media platforms and it’ll eventually pay off.

Sharing skills

It may be that you’ve never considered using a professional photographer or illustrator for one of your projects, but by meeting people with different skill sets to you, you can either enhance the services you’re able to offer clients, or learn something new.

I know a few people who have met through networking events have worked on side projects together, given each other tutorials in programs or swapped skills. It’s a great way get help, sound ideas out with other creatives or seek advice on running a business.

What’s your experience?

I love hearing about peoples experiences of networking, from either PF Meet or another networking group. Please share them below!

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Freelance front end developer, organiser of Portsmouth Freelancers Meet, Director of Starboard

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